Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Need to practice prosperity consciousness. Never think lack and want. Use affirmations to keep lack thoughts at bay. A focus on lack will bring lack. A focus on abundance will bring abundance.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The secret to abundance and riches

It seems that those of us humans who get rich or achieve anything do it because they think they can. They believe they are worthy of achieving the thing they long for.This is a deceptively simple statement. Yet I believe that 99% of people violate it all the time in their lives. If you want something, lets say money. (It could be anything; love,success, or fame). In order to manifest money I have to become "one" with money. That is to say, do not consider myself separate from money. Do not think " I can't get it. Only the other man can" " My family never had any, so neither can I". "Money does not run in my family" "Oh, I can never be rich". "Only those others can be rich. I cannot". And so on. These types of thoughts and feelings are common. Yet in many cases we do not realize that they are there. They hover between the conscious and subconscious states of our mind. Sometimes they rise to the top like scum. If I want to be rich (achieve anything), I must become "ONE" with money. My thought, both conscious and unconscious must be the exact opposite of those mentioned above. How do I do it, you ask. There is only one way to do it in my opinion. First I start with affirming my oneness with money. It will seem strange at first. The new affirmations will be completely against the circumstances we find ourselves in. At first these affirmations will seem to be hypocritical and perhaps our conscious will fight them. But persevere. Keep up these affirmations in spite of all the feelings of negativity. Slowly, so slowly, acceptance of this new state of consciousness will creep in. Questions like " Why not me?" " I am just like the other man". " I can do it". " Where is it written that I cannot be rich" etc. When this starts happening i will know that I am transitioning in my consciousness from a separation with money to a oneness with money (or the other thing that I want). At this point money will start flowing in, slowly at first but growing in quantity as time goes on and the affirmations are practiced. The affirmations will become easier too. As the oneness with money becomes stronger, more and more of it will flow into my life. The snowball effect will become apparent and the fact that money is now flowing strongly in my life, will cause my affirmations to become more and more believable. This will then affect the flow of money and so on. This is the state to be aimed for. The very rich live in a state like this. They take it for granted that it is their right to be rich. Where did they get it from you ask? The answer is they either got it from affluent parents and ancestors or, through the same kind of effort being described here, if it is the first time they have become affluent. A child born in a rich family will accept money as his birthright. He has not known anything else. The rich have tremendous money consciousness. The poor have tremendous poverty consciousness. The only way to change this dire situation, is through the use of the techniques described above. Refuse to accept bad circumstances. Affirm good until it comes. slowly first, then in a flood of good things. Never use force against any other person to make this happen. Affirmations will help the properties of inspiration, intuition and revelation to develop. These three qualities are the tools that lead on to fortune and great good luck. Lets try it and see. How long does it take? Good question. I suppose the answer is it varies from person to person. For the person who is by nature stubborn and skeptical, it will take longer. A person who is flexible and optimistic will achieve this wonderful state sooner. I suppose the best way to do it is through experiment and keep a log to see what happened and how long it took,

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Luck. The types of luck and the role it plays in prosperity

It seems that there are two kinds of luck. The first one is just pure blind luck. The kind that wins lotteries. The other kind is described best by the saying--" the harder I work, the luckier I get!" I think both of these types of luck play a critical role in achieving prosperity.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The "Aha" solution

An interesting exercise in the approach to problem solving recently led me to an "Aha" moment. After about two days ( probably 30 hours) of intense search for a solution in a problem in mathematics and engineering, the solution presented itself in a moment of almost non-thought. Of course I now realize that the subconscious never stops working. Sometimes it is almost better not to think anymore. The astounding fact is that the solution that came was so elegant and so simple, that it took my breath away. Had I not known better, I would have suspected a magic spell no less! So I am now forced to believe that there is a method to problem solving, any problem, which is available to anyone. The solution comes in a so called "Aha" moment. Perhaps solutions in prosperity also are subject to the same type of phenomenon. This of course, as mentioned elsewhere, in these posts, still remains to be seen.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Affirmation experiment results

Reporting on the results of using affirmations to manifest my desires and aspirations has not generated a conclusive result. It does appear that something beyond just affirmations are required. I carried out a year long experiment in the use of affirmations. I suppose I have much to learn but as a layman my conclusions are that you need either (1) much more knowledge about affirmation use or (2) they are not what they are cracked up to be. The experiment continues. I must mention here that I used not just affirmations, but followed them with intense action. More results later.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Experimental results

In the last few posts I made a promise to try an experiment to see if the techniques the so called "gurus" of prosperity talk about, affirmations, positive thinking, positive expectation etc. actually work or not. It has a been a few months and the results are in ( at least for me). (1) Worry can indeed be controlled. I found two statements particularly effective. " Live in day-tight compartments " and " Take no thought for the morrow for the morrow shall take thought for itself". Also a humorous statement by Mark Twain. " I suffered from many terrible things that never happened" or words to that effect. However, worry control appears to be a daily thing and must be practiced constantly. I have not been very successful in the affirmation area. Affirmations seem to work for me in the technical effort I undertake but not in other areas of my life. I may be doing these badly perhaps. I continue to practice.